Frankfurt Nightwalk 02/2012

Eigentlich war der diesjährige Februar viel zu kalt, um vor die Türe zu gehen. Aber die Kälte brachte auch wunderschöne Sonnenauf- und -untergänge mit sich. Und so machten wir uns mit ein paar Kollegen zwischen zwei Schneeschauern zu einem kurzen Photowalk durch das Frankfurter Westend – von der Bockenheimer Warte zur Messe und dann zum neuen Frankfurter Blickfang, dem Tower 185. Unterwegs wurden wir mit einer farbintensiven blauen Stunde belohnt.

Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof

Ein Bild des Frankfurter Hauptbahnhofs von einem etwas erhöhten Standpunkt. Dadurch rückt die interessante Dachkonstruktion ein bisschen mehr in den Fokus und das Leben an den Bahnsteigen wird ausgeblendet.

Durch die Bearbeitung in Schwarz Weiß kann der Lichteinfall durch die Scheiben gut herausgearbeitet werden, während die Stahlkonstruktion fast im Schwarz absäuft.

Summer in the City of Dresden

Since the summer is almost over, some impressions from Dresden’s riverbank during this summer. A beautiful view of the old town of the city.

Route USA Ostküste 2008

Travel Map

13 days on the east coast – A summary
Finally I found some time to summarize our holiday trip along the East Cost of the United States and Canada.
Within 13 days, we traveled about 4300 kilometers.

On this journey we passed about 10 US states:

– Connecticut (New Haven)
– Delaware (on the trip from Washington D.C. to New York City)
– Maine ( Bar Harbor, Bangor, Ellsworth, Portland, Rockland, Skowhegan)
– Massachussets (Boston, Hyannis, Peabody, Plymouth, Salem)
– Maryland (on the trip from Washington D.C. to New York City)
– New York (New York City, Niagara Falls)
– Pennsylvania (Gettysburg, Harrisburg)
– Rhode Island (Newport)
– Virginia (Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, Jamestown, Richmond, Shenandoah National Park, Williamsburg)
– West Virginia (Harpers Ferry)


Today was a very rainy day in Washington DC because we have been affected by hurican weather. One could hardly cross the street.
Thus we planned a visit of the Aircraft Museum and spent some time and money in Macy’s.
In the evening weather became better, so we had a chance to walk along the National Mall, enjoying the sunset.

Harrisburg – Williamsburg

It was most likely the longest part of our trip, maybe already a little bit too lang as there was almost no time to visit the different places.

Niagara Falls – Harrisburg

Day 10 with a long trip from Niagara Falls via Gettysburg to Harrisburg (some old sides from the civil war)

We are leaving Canada, travelling south. Once we had passed the border there was another opportunity to see the falls from a totally different angle. Even from a longer distance one can still see the falls due to the water spray above the ground.

Toronto – Niagara Falls

We spent our time with a long walk along the waterfront with great views of the falls. In the local IMAX theater we watched the IMAX film „Niagara“, which gives a good views from different angles on the falls.

Ottawa – Toronto

Prescott (historical site), St. Lawrence River
1000 Islands Parkway
Toronto: Chinatown, Downtown

Montréal – Ottawa

Had a very relaxing sunday in downtown Ottawa around the Parliament hill. Ottaway is great because of the near river with some waterfalls. This makes it nice to walk along the waterside and enjoy a day or two.


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